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Second Regional Meeting for the development of a regional training programme for external evaluators

Second Regional Meeting for the development of a regional training programme for external evaluators within the project Enhancements in the quality of education and training in SEE – EQET SEE and its Quality Assurance (QA) component was held in Budva, Montenegro, on 3 and 4 April 2024.

Over two days, the Regional Working Group, composed of national experts in the training development, collaborated with the EQET SEE National Coordination Points (NCPs) for Quality Assurance. Participants included representatives from ministries in charge of education and quality assurance agencies in seven economies: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Republic of Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia. The meeting was moderated by Portuguese experts Rosa Celeste de Almeida Micaelo and Isabel Maria Borges Furtado Dias Barata, and Ms Tina Šarić from ERI SEE. The focus of the work was on finalizing a comprehensive regional proposal and a training program for external evaluators, and discuss and finalize the proposed training program material. Twenty-nine participants engaged in active exchanges and provided recommendations for advancing proposed modules and the structure to reach the final format of the Regional training program for external evaluators.

In the upcoming period, in May 2024, a Regional Training for External Evaluators, based on the agreed Training Programme, will be implemented with the aim of enhancing participants’ skills, methods, and techniques to assist them in their evaluation processes. By supporting their capacity development in evaluation practices, the Regional Training seeks to contribute to the overall quality of education across the region.

The EQET SEE project, specifically its QA component, strategically focuses on analyzing the training needs of external evaluators, developing and implementing training programs, and enhancing human resources management policies. These activities aim to strengthen the capabilities of quality assurance agencies and external evaluators in South Eastern Europe and Repulblic of Moldova. The overarching objective is to establish more effective, cost-efficient, and collaborative quality assurance processes in pre-tertiary education.

* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status and is in line with UNCSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.


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