Sharing experiences in responding to the COVID-19 challenges online meeting
The on-line meeting on the subject of sharing experiences in responding to the COVID-19 challenges in organizing classrooms was organized by Education Reform Initiative of South Eastern Europe (ERI SEE) on 21st July 2020.
The meeting gathered the speaker from the Croatian Ministry of Science and Education (Ms Lidija Kralj, assistant Minister), Austrian e-network (Mr Andreas Riepl, national coordinator), OeAD (Ms Monika Mott, head of unit) and Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development (Ms Danijela Šćepanović, special advisor for digitization). The meeting was attended by representatives from Albania, Croatia, Republic of North Macedonia and Moldova.
The following resources had been shared among the participants:
- Handbook for ensuring health and hygienic conditions at schools –
- Austrian website with information and resources on COVID 19
- Centralized Moodle platform
- Resources available on the Ministry of Science and Education website
- Moodle platform
- Framework for assessment of schools capacities for distance learning during lock down (in English)