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7th Meeting Of The Western Balkans Alliance For Work-based Learning, 17th December 2018 Rogner Hotel, Tirana, Albania

7th Meeting of the Western Balkans Alliance for Work-based Learning, 17th December 2018 Rogner Hotel, Tirana, Albania

The Western Balkans Alliance for work-Based learning met for the 7th time in Tirana on December 17th.

In the opening and welcoming part, the participants were addressed by Ms Ejvis Gishti, the director of the Albanian National Agency for VET and Qualifications of Albania, Ms Ines Muçostepa, president of the Union of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Albania, Mr Gojko Banović, Chair of the South Eastern Europe VET Network, Ms Monika Mott, Head of Education at KulturKontakt and Ms Tina Šarić, director of ERI SEE. All the participants expressed their support for the work of the WBA for WBL, commitment of their institutions to the plans of the WBA for WBL in identifying joint sectors, occupations and methodology, and satisfaction for planned more intense further activities in this direction.

After intensive discussions, the Alliance has reached a final agreement on the sectors and occupations to be dealt with at regional level (tourism and catering industry – occupation of hotel and restaurant technician, and construction industry – occupations for finishing construction works: dry construction worker, floor-layer, tile-setter and painter), as well as an agreement on the Common Framework which will be used for the development of these standards.

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