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The Education Reform Initiative of South Eastern Europe (ERI SEE) is a regional platform for cooperation in the field of education and training. It supports national reforms in education and training through various regional activities – peer learning, conferences, seminars, workshops, joint projects etc, and linking these to the European frameworks for education development (the EU Work Programme ‘Education and Training 2020’, the Bologna and the Copenhagen Processes). ERI SEE focuses its activities on the priorities defined in the multiannual strategic documents of the participating economies, as well as on the assessments of the Economic Reform Programmes.

ERI SEE is based on a Memoranda of Understanding signed by the Ministers of Education, Science and Research of the South Eastern Europe. Its institutional structure consists of a Governing Board, a Consultative Body and a Secretariat. Currently, members of the ERI SEE Governing Board are the signatory Ministries of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Republic of North Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, KulturKontakt Austria on behalf of the Austrian Ministry of Education, and the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC).

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