Best wishes for 2022!
Dear colleagues and friends,
In this wintertime at the end of 2021, with this brief and focused Newsletter, we wish to give you a little reminder of what we did together during the year, despite all the challenges and obstacles faced by all. We want to make you feel happy and proud of the resilient, resourceful and bounceable nature and character we managed to build and polish together. As we are closing the 2021 we want to celebrate with you all the good times, productive initiatives, valuable resources produced, meetings held on-line and face-to-face, old projects closed and new started, all the discussions, conferences, publications… and wrap them up and present to you in this succinct format as little, end-of-the year, gems.
We hope that 2022 has many more good moments stored for us and wish you happiness, health, enthusiasm, new ideas and freshness of the spirits!
We look forward to continuing our joint efforts to make the education community in the SEE region more connected, innovative, adaptable and serving the society for the better future.
Take care and enjoy this festive time with your loved ones!
With best wishes,
ERI SEE Secretariat