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Best Wishes For 2023!

Best wishes for 2023!

Dear readers,

We are happy to present to you the new edition of the annual ERI SEE Newsletter, which tries to briefly sum up the key points of our regional activities in 2022. Needless to say, none of it would have ever been possible without our committed and dedicated partners with whom we implement our activities: VET agencies gathered in the South Eastern European Vocational Education and Training Network (SEE VET Net); Chambers of commerce; agencies for quality assurance in pre-tertiary education (gathered into the Regional group of experts in QA in pre-tertiary education); teacher education and training agencies (South Eastern European Teacher Education and Training Network – SEE TET), Working group for the recognition of higher education qualifications, joined by the representatives of the QA agencies for higher education, and our international partners OeAD, Regional Cooperation Council, European Training Foundation and WB6 Chambers Investment Forum.

Together, we have developed numerous and significant regional outputs, that we proudly lay out here before you. And we are looking forward to what is ahead – respectful and close communication and cooperation with our partners, addressing national needs through joint, regional endeavours, paving the way further with the flexibility in approach – all with the goal of enhancing quality of education and training in the region.

In this spirit, we wish you and the ones close to you, a wonderful, healthy and fruitful 2023!

ERI SEE Secretariat

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