Edu-Energy Conference: Building Bridges for Sustainable Energy Learning
Edu-Energy Conference: Building Bridges for Sustainable Energy Learning
15 March 2024
Registration for the conference is now open! Register HERE!
Conference agenda – DOWNLOAD
The Edu-Energy Conference: Building Bridges for Sustainable Energy Learning will be organised on 15 of March 2024 in an online format. The conference goal is to open discussion on the relevance of the green transition for education and energy sector and the overall social impact that is expected to take place in the Western Balkans.
Green transition can be supported by social actors by nurturing the culture of dialogue, public debate and collaboration supporting education for sustainable development and addressing the increasing demand for green skills, jobs and sustainable employment conditions.
The conference is of international character and aims to bring together stakeholders from education and energy sectors, including policy makers, ministries and relevant agencies, experts in green agenda implementation, education development and social sustainability, entrepreneurs, private sector upskilling professionals, companies etc. By uniting representatives from relevant institutions, experts and practitioners, the conference aims at opening a social dialogue on how to support green transition through sustainable education.
Key speakers
Aleksandar Macura
Co-founder and Program Director, RES Foundation
Vedad Suljić
Managing Director, Center for Economic, Technological and Environmental Development Sarajevo – CETEOR
Doc. dr. sc. Branko Ančić
Senior Research Associate, Institute for Social Research in Zagreb
Aleksandar Macura, co-founder and program director at RES Foundation in Serbia, is an experienced public policy analyst specializing in energy, climate and air quality. With a rich background in environmental policy advocacy, he offers valuable insights into the current state of the Western Balkans’ energy sector.
Vedad Suljić, as Managing Director of Center for Economic, Technological and Environmental Development Sarajevo, brings extensive expertise in environmental economics and a rich 15-year background in different initiatives for renewable energy, making him a valuable contributor to the Edu – Energy Conference. His deep understanding of energy economics and hands-on involvement in diverse regional projects position him to share practical insights and contribute to discussions on fostering a sustainable energy future.
Branko Ančić Branko Ančić is a sociologist working as a senior research associate at the Institute for Social Research in Zagreb. His research interests spans from sociology of religion through sociology of health towards environmental sociology and social ecology. For the last ten years his focus is on social practices relevant for social and ecological sustainability, social perceptions of climate change, social aspects of energy system, social resilience, degrowth theory and practice. He was a PI in several projects like Social resilience of Croatian society in the midst and the aftermath of COVID-19 pandemic, New Paradigms in Sustainability Studies: Green economy and the Wellbeing of the Youth, International Social Survey Programme (for Croatia), Participatory management of natural resources, Knowledge leads to a warm home – research on energy poverty. As a researcher he is currently engaged in the project Sustainable fisheries: social relations, identity and joint management of Adriatic fishing resources. He has published his paper with respective publishing houses like Oxford University Press, Routledge, Springer, Walter de Gruyter, and also in high-ranking journals like Energy and Buildings, Geoforum, Ecological Economics, International Journal of Sociology.
Panelist for the topic: Education supporting renewable energy sector:
- Dr Ejvis Gishti, General Director, National Agency for VET and Qualifications, Albania
- Valbona Kadrijaj, Quality, OSH & Training Director Kosovo Electricity Distribution and Supply Company -KEDS Academy, Kosovo*
- Mirjana Kovačević, Head of the Center for Education and Dual Education and the Director of Business Academy, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia
- Sandra Brkanović, Head of the Department for Research and Development of Qualifications, Center for Vocational Education, Montenegro
- Dr Susan Gill, Manager of the Climate Strategy and Skills, SOLAS, Ireland
- Hamid Mehinović, Senior Energy Expert, Center for Economic, Technological and Environmental Development Sarajevo – CETEOR, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Be a part of this wide-scale discussions on some of the most important changes of our times and register HERE! The conference languague will be English with interpretation to Albanian and BCMS.
The conference is organised by the Education Reform Initiative of South Eastern Europe – ERI SEE in cooperation with the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit – GIZ and Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia within the scope of the Renewable Energy Services in Education and Training RESET project implemented by ERI SEE as a that is a component of the Green Agenda: Decarbonizing of the Electricity Sector in the Western Balkans regional project, implemented by the GIZ. The projects are commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development BMZ.
Conference organiser:
Education Reform Initiative of South Eastern Europe – ERI SEE
Contact organiser: Marina Papović @ marina.papovic@erisee.org
* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status and is in line with UNCSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.