POSTPONED: Digital Skills and Learning in SEET, Turin 12 – 13th March 2020
European Training Foundation (ETF) is organizing a Regional Event on Digital Skills and Learning in South Eastern European Countries and Turkey (SEET) which will take place on 12-13 March 2020, in Turin, Italy, at the European Training Foundation (ETF) premises.
The event aims to support the development of post-2020 digital education and training policies in SEET and has the following objectives:
– To share information and knowledge on EU and SEET regional and national initiatives covering digital skills and/or learning with a focus on the SELFIE (Self-reflection on Effective Learning by Fostering the use of Innovative Educational Technologies) project;
– To reflect on how to scale-up and integrate SELFIE in national education and training systems;
– To better understand how the three EU tools for digital skills and learning (DigCom , DigCompEdu and SELFIE) could support post-2020 digital education reforms happening;
– To raise awareness of existing regional bodies with a focus on digital strategies and facilitate the establishment of common spaces for continuous engagement and exchange of know-how between the EU, regional and national initiatives and stakeholders in the SEET region.