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Digitalisation In Teaching And Learning – Learning From Best Practices

Digitalisation in teaching and learning – learning from best practices

The 11th Meeting of the South Eastern European Education and Training (SEE TET) Network and Study visit to Croatia was organized in cooperation with the Croatian Academic and Research Network (CARNET) on the subject of digitisation in teaching and learning and systems of teacher education and training (best practices and potential improvements).

CARNET hosted the first part of the study visit and presented its most impactful projects and results, as well as ongoing activities, within each thematic area of interest: education, development of digital educational contents, demonstration laboratories, research and other.

The study trip continued with the visit to the Primary school Stjepana Radića in Brestovec Orehovički – Centre of Applied Digital Technology, an exemplary school where numerous innovations have been introduced, as shown by the school principal Mr Zdenko Kobešćak, teachers and pupils. Another visit was paid to the School of Geodesy – Regional Educational Centre from Zagreb, where principal Ms Zdravka Šimić and teacher Mr Zlatan Soldo explained how e-education has evolved in their school and why they are considered as the leader among schools in digitisation in Croatia.

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