Higher education
In the area of higher education, recognition of higher education qualifications is one of the priorities of the South Eastern Europe 2020 Strategy, and a part of the Skills and Mobility Flagship Initiative of the Regional Cooperation Council, with which ERI SEE closely cooperates on this subject.
„The Ministers responsible for higher education at the Yerevan Ministerial summit under the Bologna process framework committed: “to develop more effective policies for the recognition of credits gained abroad, of qualifications for academic and professional purposes, and of prior learning” and to ensure “that qualifications frameworks work in practice”. Development of the national qualifications frameworks, in line with the commitments made, should boost changes in the legislation regulating both recognition and quality assurance. The work on automatic academic recognition calls for an integrated policy approach to developing and implementing structural reforms designed around: qualifications frameworks, recognition of foreign higher education qualifications and quality assurance, the so-called Bologna triangle, as a coherent whole.
Within this framework, the RCC and ERI SEE’s focus on fast-track recognition supports the national efforts in developing comprehensive approach to implementation of qualification frameworks, quality assurance and recognition policies and legislation, as well as facilitating and removing obstacles to mobility within the region.
Regional cooperation among all relevant partners has resulted in the signing of a mutual agreement on the signing of the recognition of the higher education qualifications. More about the agreement is available here.