Re-Thinking the Role of Digital Learning and The Provision of Digital Skills in SEET Countries – a Regional Perspective
On 17th of June 2020 the European Training Foundation (ETF) organised a webinar Re-Thinking the Role of Digital Learning and The Provision of Digital Skills in SEET Countries – a Regional Perspective as part of a series of three interlinked online events organised by the ETF to support the countries in SEET region in the development of digital skills and learning policies and practices.
The main objectives of the webinar were to:
- Inform on the ETF mapping of Distance Digital Learning under COVID19 in SEET
- Inform on the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) relevant initiatives in partnership with ETF;
- Inform on the Education Reform Initiative of South Eastern Europe (ERI SEE) regional platform relevant initiatives in partnership with ETF;
- Presentation of a case study from Turkey
The ERI SEE Secretariat Director, Ms Tina Šarić presented the activities of the Secretariat. The focus of the presentation was the ERI SEE – ETF two phased research project that is set out to provide a needs analysis for teacher education and training programmes (I phase) and to identify needs for digital skills among educators. Ms Šarić also presented the main conclusions of the Study on teacher education and training – needs analysis systems in the SEE region developed within the first phase.
The third webinar will be organised by the ETF on Tuesday, 23 June 2020.