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Regional Conference  “New Dynamics Of Technical And Vocational Education In The Western Balkans”, Berlin, 02 – 04 July 2018,

Regional Conference “New Dynamics of Technical and Vocational Education in the Western Balkans”, Berlin, 02 – 04 July 2018,

Following the Western Balkans Summit Series and leading up to the Summit in London which will be held in July 2018, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development wishes to continue the support in one of the Berlin Process priorities – vocational education and training.  The conference “New dynamics of Technical and Vocational Education in the Western Balkans” is organized as a platform to examine questions and feed the input into the upcoming London Summit.  Important issues were topics of discussion such as technical and vocational education and training (TVET) under the increasing influence of global developments in the economicand social sphere, such as digitalisation. Against this background, how will the Western Balkan countries adjust? What are the chances of technological progress/change resulting for the Western Balkans’ economies? Is the region prepared for digital transformation?

Director of the ERI SEE Secreteriat Ms Tina Šarić attended the conference as panellist.

Germany has launched the Berlin Process at its Summit in 2014 as an initiative aimed at stepping up regional cooperation in the Western Balkans and aiding the integration of the Western Balkan countries into the European Union.

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