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SEE Teacher Education And Training (SEE TET) Network Supporting School On-line Developments

SEE Teacher education and training (SEE TET) Network supporting school on-line developments

Education Reform Initiative of South Eastern Europe (ERI SEE) is coordinating the South Eastern European Teacher Education and Training Network (SEE TET Network), consisting of representatives of ministries and national agencies in charge of teacher education and training – continuous professional development – from 8 economies: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, North Macedonia, Kosovo*, Moldova, Montenegro and Serbia. The purpose of the SEE TET Network is to offer a platform for the exchange of expertise and experience, and provide suggestion for the improvements of the teacher education and training systems in the critial areas identified.

Having in mind the COVID-19 pandemic and all the consequent modifications of the teaching and learning processes at pre-tertiary level, digitalization in education and training has become either the main mode of education provision at certain periods of time, or a supplementary mode. In addition, having in mind the digitalization strategy currently being developed in the Western Balkans region, there is a tendendcy to move to a more digital society (education and training included) even when the pandemic is over. For these reasons, a particular emphasis in the work of the SEE TET Network in 2021 was on digitalization processes, and supporting agencies and schools in these adjustments.

Having that in mind, in March 2021 ERI SEE partnered with the NALED (Nacionalna alijansa za lokalni ekonoski razvoj) and Serbian Institute for improvements in education to organize a regional conference on education for the digital age, titled Project-based teaching in on-line environment. The conference was organized in March 2021 and gathered a large number of practitioners from the SEE region to exchange best practices on project-based teaching and distance learning. Also, during the event, the Manual for Project teaching and distance learning, a collection of best-practice examples, was presented.

In June 2021 ERI SEE together with its partner European Training Foundation (ETF), organized an on-line meeting of the SEE TET Network to present the publication Whole school approach to online and blended teaching and learning, also using the opportunity to present the Blended Learning Questionnaire (a part of the Selfie tool). The on-line meeting also served as a platform for exchange of understandings and practices in organizing on-line and blended teaching and learning among the participating economies. More about the event can be found here.

In October 2021, ERI SEE, together with ETF and Austrian Agency for Education and Internationalization OeAD, organized another event for the SEE TET Network:  Digital school culture, this time in blended mode. The meeting gathered representatives from the region and international ones, who used the opportunity to discuss how digital school culture can be organized, encouraged and sustained; and what types of additional support schools and teachers need to integrate it into their practices. More about the event can be found here.

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