Sixth Meeting of the Joint RCC – ERI SEE Working Group on Recognition of Academic Qualifications, 13th May 2019, Brussels
The Sixth Meeting of the Joint ERI SEE – RCC Working Group on Recognition of Academic Qualifications was held in Brussels on 13 May 2019 in organization of RCC (Regional Cooperation Council). Representatives of the ministries and ENIC/NARIC centres from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Albania and Kosovo (the name defined with the UN Resolution 1244 from 1999) participated at the meeting.
The main part of the meeting was dedicated to Draft Declaration on Recognition of Academic Qualifications. It was discussed about the provisions concerning recognition of short first cycle degrees, bachelor and master degrees as well as the role of the RCC especially concerning further development in this area. After the comprehensive analysis the final version of the Draft Declaration was agreed and will be sent to all countries for final approval. This Declaration will be part of the Sixth Annual Berlin Process Summit in the Polish city of Poznań which will take place on 4 and 5 July 2019.
The progress related to Joint Information System, which will facilitate recognition procedure not only qualification from the respective countries, was presented.
Declaration doesn’t include provisions related to the recognition of PhD degrees as well as pre-Bologna qualification which will be discussed on the next meeting of the Working Group which is predicted to be held in September 2019.