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The Final TO REGOS Regional Consolidation Meeting Within Construction Sector

The final TO REGOS regional consolidation meeting within construction sector

The final TO REGOS consolidation meeting for dry construction worker and painter occupational standards within the construction sector was organised on 4th November 2020. The TO REGOS teams from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, Republic of North Macedonia and Serbia worked on finalising regional proposal for the dry construction worker and painter occupational standards. The meeting was organised by the Education Reform Initiative of South Eastern Europe – ERI SEE Secretariat and moderated by Ms Ejvis Gishti of the National Agency for VET and Qualifications, Albania.

Following the submission of national inputs the teams from six economies during 7 online working session lasting over 22 hours agreed on the regional occupational standards that will be further on validated on national level. Following the development of regionally based occupational standards the national teams will work on the development standards of qualifications and their adoptions.

More about the TO REGOS project is available on the WBA4WBL platform.

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