The TO REGOS Kick-off Conference organised
The Towards regionally-based occupational standards – TO REGOS project Kick-off Conference was organised on July 11th 2019 in Belgrade.
The Kick-off conference gathered over 70 stakeholders and experts working on the development of national and/or regionally based occupational standards as well as the representatives of donors, international organisations and international projects.
Experts in the field provided a general overview on the latest developments, benefits and challenges in the field of occupational standards as well as relevant strategic and policy framework surrounding the development of the standards of qualifications. The presentations of the TO REGOS project (funded by the Austrian Development Agency with funds of Austrian Development Cooperation) and its methodology followed as an example of the way in which a regional attempt towards the development of the regionally based standards of occupations can be structured. Lastly, the Erasmus+ KA3 Smart Development of HVET for Highly Skilled and Mobile Workforce – SHVET project was presented as it plans the development of joint qualifications in Croatia, Slovenia and Italy.
Lastly, the donors, international organisations and representatives of international projects being implemented in the region in the area of VET modernization were invited to present their projects and initiatives and explore opportunities for future cooperation. The conference presentations and minutes and TO REGOS project material are available on the Western Balkans Alliance for Work-based Learning Platform (WBA4WBL) that had its official launch during the Conference.
More about the TO REGOS project can be found here. The TO REGOS project presentations are available on the WBA4WBL platform. The meeting minutes can be downloaded here.