TO REGOS Conference, Tirana 24 June 2021
The fourth closing conferences of the TO REGOS project was organised in Tirana on 24 June 2021 by the ERI SEE Secretariat and National Agency for Education, Vocational Training and Qualifications. The event was organised face-to-face in line with the COVID19 standing restrictions and broadcast live via ZOOM.
In the opening speeches the participants were addressed by Dajna Sorensen, Ministry of Finance and Economy, Ejvis Gishti, National Agency for Education, Vocational Training and Qualifications, Evis Dino, Union of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Albania and Tina Šarić, ERI SEE Secretariat.
Presentations providing the summary of project outputs and activities from the project and national perspective were delivered by Ivana Živadinović of the ERI SEE and the TO REGOS national contact points for education and business Diana Xhelili, National Agency for Education, Vocational Training and Qualifications and Klotilda Binjaku Union of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Albania.
The working segment of the meeting was designated to providing overview of the achievements made within the TO REGOS project and the panel discussion on how to increase the acquisition of skills important for the labour market, how to ensure a quick response of education to the needs of the labour market, what are the next steps on the level of institutional and regional development.
The next conference will be organized in Banja Luka on 02 July 2021.