TO REGOS Project Management Meeting, 12 November 2020
The seventh Project Management Meeting was organised by the ERI SEE Secretariat on 12th November 2020 within the TO REGOS project. The meeting gathered NCPs for education and NCPs for business or their delegates as well as national team members nominated by the NCPs as being pertinent to the implementation of the TO REGOS project.
The main objectives of the meeting were to: (1) provide an overview of the status of the TO REGOS activities (2) reach consensus on future activities (3) make preparations for the national and regional meetings that will be organised to develop floor-layer and tile-setter occupational standards.
The project partners evaluated the state of play in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic and devised the plan for implementing future activities. It was concluded that ,even though the overall situation is affecting project activities, the project partners are committed to the successful implementation of project activities.
For more about the TO REGOS project please visit the TO REGOS section on the WBA4WBL platform.