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TO REGOS Publications

TO REGOS Publications

A regional project Towards regionally based occupational standards (TO REGOS) was finalised in August 2021. The project was funded by the Austrian Development Cooperation with the funds of Austrian Development Cooperation and cofounded by the ERI SEE.

It aimed at contributing to the enhancement of the employability and labour mobility of young people through the development of regionally based occupational standards and exploring options of developing regionally based qualification standards. The TO REGOS project was the first in the region to gather VET centres and chambers of commerce from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, Republic of North Macedonia, and Serbia in attempt to build on already existing national procedures and regulations to develop regional methodologies that were the basis for the TO REGOS activities but have the exploitation potential that goes well beyond the project itself. Those publications are:

A Methodology for the Development of Regionally Based Occupational Standards: defining guiding principles, steps and methods that was prepared by the ERI SEE Secretariat, based on the inputs received from the project partners with the support of external occupational standards (OS) and business experts.

It is one of the first, if not the first, methodology that describes principles and methods (face-to-face, online and mixed) of developing regionally based occupational standards. It is built on existing national practises in the TO REGOS economies and follows the path that leads from developing proposals at the national levels, harmonising those proposals at the regional level and validating them back at the national levels.

The publication is available in: English with translations in Albanian, Serbian, Macedonian.

Feasibility Study on Developing Regionally Based Standards of Qualifications that looks at possibilities of developing qualification standards at international level, provides conclusions of the comparative analysis of institutional and legislative framework in six TO REGOS economies and gives recommendations and action plan elaborating potential for development of regionally based qualification standards.

The publication is available in English

Methodology for the Developing Regionally-based Standards of Qualifications was developed as a follow-up to the recommendations of the Feasibility Study on Developing Regionally Based Standards of Qualifications.

 It relies on the policy and legal frameworks in six TO REGOS economies and their institutional capacities. The Methodology proposes steps through which the development of regionally based qualification standards should go, as well as the template for the regionally based qualification standard with completion guidelines.

The publication is available in English with translations in Albanian, Serbian, Macedonian 

Towards Regionally Based Occupational Standards (TO REGOS) Project in a Nutshell was the last project publication that was developed by the lead partner, ERI SEE Secretariat.

It was developed as a summary of all TO REGOS activities and it is based on the input provided by all project partners.

The publication is available in English.


There might be possibility to ship a hard copy of the publications! Feel free to contact the ERI SEE Secretariat @






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