TO REGOS the third working group meetings for the hotel and restaurant technician occupational standard in Skopje
The third working group meeting within the project Towards regionally-based standards of occupations “TO REGOS” for the development of the hotel and restaurant technician occupational standard were organised on 8th of November 2019 in Skopje aiming at gathering business experts from the tourism sector and working on finalising the national input for developing regional occupational standard.
Objectives of the meetings were:
- Review of the work done at the second working meeting
- Finalizing the development of the occupational standard “Hotel Restaurant Technician” at national level
- Producing a draft version of the occupational standard “Hotel Restaurant Technician” of the regional level
- Agreement for the activities of the next meeting
The meeting was led by an education expert Mr Zoran Jovcevski and organised by Mr Chedomir Dimovski of the Center for Vocational Education and Training, National Contact Point for Education within the TO REGOS project.