Update on “Towards regionally-based occupational standards” – TO REGOS project
TO REGOS project plans to contribute to employability and labour-market mobility of young people in the SEE region by investing in quality and labour-market relevant vocational education and training (VET). More concretely, the focus is on a strong partnership between business and education, thus ensuring definition and elaboration of labour-market relevant skills in the standards of occupations, which make the core of the qualifications standards and consequently curricula, taught at schools in the region. The main partners, gathered under the WBA for WBL, are VET agencies and Chambers of Commerce from the region, and the project also relies on cooperation with private sector organisations and companies from identified priority sectors and other relevant stakeholders (Ministries of Education, Labour, National Qualification Agencies etc.). You can find more about the concept of the project here.
The regionally-based occupational standards will be developed using the Common Regional Framework – methodology – produced within the project and tested on the development of 5 regionally-based occupational standards, which will then be further used in developing national qualification standards. The potentials of developing regionally-based qualifications standards will also be explored, via a feasibility study.
The occupations dealt with belonging to two sectors: tourism and hospitality industry, and construction industry.
The project started with a regional meeting (on 15th May 2019) aiming at fine-tuning the methodology for developing regionally based occupational standards led by an international expert with the participation of the TO REGOS project partners, which also participated in the project management meeting on 16th May 2019. The large-scale kick-off conference (held on 11th July) was the second milestone that officially introduced the project goals and activities to a wide range of stakeholders from the region.
The TO REGOS project partners are now actively organising meetings of national working groups for the development of the occupational standard for a hotel and restaurant technician. A series of national events will be organized in September and October across the region to gather the input from business representatives about the current and anticipated job descriptions and tasks, as well as the skills needed to successfully complete these tasks. The activities started in all partner economies during which the expert working groups will, following national procedures as well as the agreed methodology for the development of the regionally-based OSs, develop a proposal to elaborated and discussed on two regional meetings by the end of 2019.
More about the project, current activities and developments can be found here.