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Western Balkan Digital Skills Multi Stakeholder Working Group Meeting

Western Balkan Digital Skills Multi Stakeholder Working Group meeting

The first meeting of the Western Balkan Digital Skills Multi Stakeholder Working Group was held online on 27th April 2020. The meeting was organised online and attended by representatives from the Western Balkan economies coming from different ministries, agencies and academia as well as representatives of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC), European Commission DGs (CONNECT, NEAR, EAC), European Training Foundation (ETF), International Telecommunication Union (ITU), British Council, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Education Reform Initiative of South Eastern Europe/ERI SEE Secretariat and Regional School of Public Administration (ReSPA).

The main objective of the meeting was to establish the Multi Stakeholders Regional Working Group on digital skills, was fully met. Other objectives were to kick off the regional dialogue on needs and perspectives to develop digital skills strategies in the Western Balkans, launch of structured discussion on digital upskilling to reap benefits of fast technological changes

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