With thanks and best wishes, ERI SEE
Yet another calendar year behind us. Being aware of all that is happening around us, with compassion to those around us who are less fortunate and hurt in so many ways, our response is to contribute to the world the best way we can – by giving our best in what we do. In a brief format of this newsletter, we wish to share some of our proud moments with you, as well as thank those of you who were with us on the journey – as decision makers, participants, observers, experts, speakers, colleagues and friends.
Our regional project, Enhancements in the quality of education and training in South Eastern Europe – EQET SEE, funded by the Austrian Development Agency, has entered its third year of implementation, already achieving significant results: regional occupational and qualification standards (in the sector of agriculture and metal processing), and regional teaching and learning material with guidelines for work-based learning, social and environmental sustainability, and gender equity. At the same time, using the joint base document we have developed (regional standard of competences for external evaluators), regional external evaluators’ training needs have been identified at regional level, thus setting the ground for regional trainings for external evaluators. In addition, best practices in external evaluation methodologies have been extensively shared across the Western Balkans and EU.
We have also started a new regional project, Renewable Energy Services in Education and Training – RESET, funded by the GIZ, German Development Cooperation, on the topic of renewable energy in education sector. This is our contribution to the Green Agenda, which needs to be supported by the education sector if we want it to succeed.
The focus on quality is also present in our activities in higher education. In a large international conference, and in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of North Macedonia, and with great support of the Ministry of Education of Serbia and Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation of Montenegro, we have brought together the most relevant regional actors – ministries, agencies for quality assurance and higher education community – as well as highest-level European partners, to discuss next steps that will support quality and quality assurance developments in the region.
We have also not forgotten our teacher education and training network (South Eastern European Teacher Education and Training Network – SEE TET) for which we have organized a study visit to the Croatian Academic Research Network – CARNET – to share with us digitalization practices in education.
Much more information can be found below as well as on our websites: www.erisee.org and www.eqet.erisee.org. You are kindly invited to keep a close eye on them regularly!
We thank all of you who plan with us, contribute to, participate in and celebrate our joint successes. Your expertise, experience and vision are woven into everything we do.
To all of you reading this briefing, we thank you and wish you healthy, prosperous and peaceful holidays, and a magical, happy, 2024!
ERI SEE Secretariat