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Workshop On The Up-dates And Developments Related To The Recognition Of Foreign Higher Education Qualifications

Workshop on the up-dates and developments related to the recognition of foreign higher education qualifications

On 21st September 2020, within the Erasmus+ EPER project (Effective partnership for enhanced recognition – EPER) implemented in partnership between ministries of education from Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia and North Macedonia, and Centre for Information and Recognition of Qualifications in Higher Education of Bosnia and Herzegovina, a workshop with up-to-date information on the policy developments and current practice related to the recognition of foreign higher education qualifications for the purpose of further study at higher education institutions (credential evaluators) was organized.

The workshop also explored ways to improve procedures for academic recognition and possible revision of internal legal documents of higher education institutions and enabled discussion of representatives of higher education institutions with representatives from partner countries.

The EPER project provides a platform for cooperation of national recognition authorities from the SEE countries and supports activities related to alleviating recognition problems and improving understanding of the Lisbon Recognition Convention principles.

ERI SEE presented current developments in the region regarding the development of the Register of accredited HEI and study programmes ( and digital platform for ENIC NARIC offices for recognition of HE qualifications.


More information about the webinar can be seen on:

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