WorldSkills Croatia 2023
The Agency for Vocational and Adult Education is organised the National Competition for Vocational School Students – WorldSkills Croatia 2023, the largest event in education in the Republic of Croatia and the largest competition in this part of Europe from May 10 to 12, 2023 in Zagreb, Croatia.
Over 400 of the best students from vocational schools, accompanied and supported by their teachers, competed in 46 professional disciplines – from traditional ones, hairdressing, bricklaying, baking and floristry, to modern disciplines, IT system administration, CNC and CAD-CAM technology or interdisciplinary disciplines as is robotics. More than 200 vocational schools participated in an area of more than 14,000 m2 during the three days of the competition, alongside several thousand visitors.
WorldSkills Croatia connects vocational schools, numerous partners and employers who use technology in their activities, produce or provide services related to that discipline and employ students who have graduated from related vocational schools. The participation of business representatives is one of the key ways to achieve the long-term goal – increasing the employability of students who have completed vocational schools. Also, with their participation, employers contribute to social responsibility for the development of the educational system.
The WorldSkills Croatia 2023 competition was attended by the ERI SEE Secretarat representatives during the first two days.
More about the event is available here.
(Source, worldskillscroatia.hr)