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20200214 101905
20200214 101905
20200214 101858
20200214 101905 20200214 101858

The second working group meeting for the hotel and restaurant technician qualification standard in Podgorica

The second meeting of the working group tasked to develop the qualification standard for the hotel and restaurant technician occupational standard met in Podgorica on 14th February 2020.

Based on the regionally based hotel and restaurant technician occupational standard developed within the TO REGOS project the working group continued its work on defining qualification units, learning outcomes, knowledge areas and key competences in line with the methodology of the qualification development.

The meeting was attended by relevant business representatives and education experts of the Centre for Vocational Education and it was organised by Ms Sandra Brkanović and Mr Dušan Bošković of the Centre for Vocational Education.

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