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ERI SEE Mission and Vision

Education and training are crucial in promoting knowledge based, competitive and socially cohesive societies in Europe, and play an important role in responding to chances and challenges of globalisation. They are therefore a key to sustainable development and prosperity, in particular in South Eastern Europe.

The Education Reform Initiative of South Eastern Europe (ERI SEE) supports sustainable education reforms through regional cooperation. It aims at fostering shared European standards in education and training for a rapid integration of its member countries into a wider European area of education, thus contributing to the success and sustainability of the EU integration process.

ERI SEE takes into account both country-specific needs and demands in education reforms, as well as present trends in the development of the envisaged European Area of Education, as outlined in the EU Education and Training 2020 Work Programme, the ‘Bologna Process’ and the ‘Copenhagen Process’.

ERI SEE objectives are:

  • to continue the support of national education reform efforts in South Eastern Europe in the perspective of the process of EU integration and the more global developments in education and training;
  • to actively promote regional cooperation at system, expert and civil society level through capacity building and know-how transfer;
  • to facilitate information exchange and cooperation between the education and the research sector in South Eastern Europe;
  • to support national activities of its members re­lated to the priorities of the Edu­ca­tion & Training 2020, the Co­pen­hagen Declaration and follow-up com­muniqués (Co­­penhagen process) and the Bologna Dec­la­ra­tion and the follow-up communiqués
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