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Vocational Education and Training

Reforms in the Vocational Education and Training (VET) systems are a priority in all of the ERI SEE members. All relevant strategic documents recognize the need of greater connections between the education and training system on the one hand, and business sector on the other. The purpose of this connection is collecting clear information on which skills are needed on the labour-market (currently and in a mid-term perspective), integration of this information into the education and training system, and consequently acquisition of these skills by students in the education and training process.

VET Agencies/Centres have gathered into the South Eastern Europe Vocational Education and Training Network – SEEVET Net, formalised by the Agreement on Cooperation signed by the participating countries and institutions, namely the VET centres from Albania, Croatia, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Moldova and Bosnia and Herzegovina; with the associating participation of Romanian, Bulgarian and Kosovo* VET agencies.

The work of the SEEVET Net has been coordinated by the ERI SEE, with the support of which the links with the private sector have been established through cooperation with the chambers of commerce from the region.

The focus of this cooperation between SEEVET Net, chambers of commerce and ERI SEE, also known as Western Balkans Alliance for Work-based Learning, is:

  • promoting and enhancing work-based learning in the region
  • development of regionally-based occupational standards in certain, jointly selected sectors (tourism and hospitality, construction industry).

The members of this Alliance have established their own WBA4WBL portal, with the information about the status of the Work-based Learning in the region as well as about the status of the joint regional project on the development of regionally-based occupational standards.

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