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ERI SEE Priorities

The priorities in the work of the Education Reform Initiative of South Eastern Europe (ERI SEE) were set on the basis of the ERI SEE mission and vision*, and in consultation with the ERI SEE Governing Board, following national and European strategic documents and joint regional interestes.

The priorities are defined within 3 education sectors – pre-tertiary education; VET and higher education.

1. Pre-tertiary education

    • Quality assurance
    • Teacher trainings

2. Vocational Education and Training

    • Regionally-based occupational standards
    • Regionally-based qualification standards
    • Work-Based Learning

3. Higher Education

    • Recognition of higher education qualifications
    • Quality assurance


* The Education Reform Initiative of South Eastern Europe (ERI SEE) supports sustainable education reforms through regional cooperation. It aims at fostering shared European standards in education and training for a rapid integration of its member countries into a wider European area of education, thus contributing to the success and sustainability of the EU integration process.

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