Apart from the regular activities that ERI SEE implements within its original budget coming from the member countries and OeAD on an annual basis, there are other projects that are implementing, funded by other donors through Grant Agreements. These projects are always in alignment with the mission and vision of the ERI SEE and thematic priorities that are defined within Work Programmes and adopted by the ERI SEE Governing Board.
One of such projects was „Towards regionally-based occupational standards – TO REGOS“, implemented in the period from 2019 – 2021, and focusing on the development of regional occupational standards in the sector areas of hotel and tourism and construction. The project was implemented in strong partnership with the VET agencies and chambers of commerce from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia, gathered into the Western Balkans Alliance for Work-Based Learning.
For the first time, the regional methodology was tested and regionally based occupational standards were successfully developed, integrating inputs from the business sector and contributing to strengthening ties between business and education.
The project was funded by the Austrian Development Agency in the amount of around 500.000,00 EUR and more information about TO REGOS, its outputs, and partners can be found here.
In 2021, another Austrian Development Agency-funded project started, with the budget of around 2 mill EUR and planned duration from 2021 – 2024. It is implemented under the title of Enhancements in the Quality of Education and Training in South Eastern Europe (EQET SEE) and it goes further than its predecessor, TO REGOS. This time, regional work is focusing not only on the development of the regionally-based occupational standards, but also qualifications standards, following the developed methodology and applied in the sector of agriculture and metal industry, in one of its pillars, and on the Quality Assurance in pre-tertiary education in the other pillar (focus on external evaluation of institutions).
The partners include again the VET and qualification agencies and Chambers of commerce, but this time also the agencies for quality assurance in pre-tertiary education.
Developments within EQET SEE can be monitored here.