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23rd meeting of the ERI SEE Governing Board, 6th October 2017, Belgrade

The 23rd ERI SEE Governing Board meeting took place on 6th October 2017, in Belgrade. It gathered the representatives of the ministries of education from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro and Serbia, as well as from the Regional Cooperation Council and KulturKontakt Austria; and was chaired by the Serbian representatives. The meeting was also attended by the representatives of the Consultative Body – European Training Foundation and Austrian Federal Ministry of Education.

During the meeting, various issues, ranging from the establishment of the Secretariat of the ERI SEE, information about the undertaken activties, financial report, to planning of future activties, in which ERI SEE plays a key role – such as the  cooperation between the VET centres and Chambers of economy from the region on the subject of work-based learning; cooperation between the regional institutions in charge of quality assurance aspects; and cooperation in the area of recognition of qualifications – were tackled.

The next Governing Board meeting was announced for the period mid February 2018.

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