3rd Meeting of Teacher Education and Training Network in South Eastern Europe (SEE TET)
On 29th May 2019 in Podgorica, Montenegro, the 3rd meeting of the South Eastern Europe Teacher Education and Training Network was organized. The main theme of this gathering was the needs analysis used for the identification of teachers’ education and training needs. The Meeting was organized in cooperation between the Education Reform Initiative of South Eastern Europe (ERI SSE) and European Training Foundation (ETF) and with the support of the Montenegrin Ministry of Education.
The Meeting gather European and regional speakers: Ms Michaela Tscherne presented the model of needs analysis for teachers professional development used at the University of Lower Austria. Ms Liljana Ivanović from the Montenegrin Ministry of education presented the Montenegrin example of teachers’ personal development which was followed by the real-life example of a school CPD coordinator, explaining the established system. Ms Sidita Dibra, a project manager at the Swisscontact, introduced the project currently run in Albania for the system of establishing CPD coordinators.
The Meeting offered many opportunities for peer learning and exchange of good practices. Several common issues and needs were identified, such as:
- The need for study visits and exchanges on the subject of CPD coordinators
- Suggestion for training modules among the economies regarding teacher education. Improvement of professional education and development of teachers on the premises of employers, in cooperation with the municipalities, chambers, employers union – creating a framework that would be used for training teachers. This refers to the dual education in VET.
- Recognition of informal learning is a problem. Informal learning means individual initiative of teachers that they undertake on their own and at their own expense but is not recognized in any way.
- A short overview over systems of CPDs in the participating economies would be beneficial and this could be used for future analysis and activities.
- Exchanges on the subject of CPD catalogues are also useful.
Next meetings of the SEE TET Network will be shaped around the identified subjects.
The Agenda and Minutes of the meeting can be found here.