Comparative Study on National Qualification Frameworks in the Western Balkans, August – December 2020
In the period from August – December 2020, the Comparative Study on the existing National Qualifications Frameworks and Recognition of Academic Qualifications, particularly focusing on the Third Cycle Degrees and pre-Bologna qualifications in the Western Balkans 6, was being implemented.
The purpose of the exercise was to outline and compare the NQFs, analyse implications the NQF has for recognition purposes across the Western Balkans, analyse the implications of the current recognition procedures and practices, and outline a list of specific expert guidelines and recommendations to achieve. The exercise included Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, Serbia and the Republic of North Macedonia.
Conclusions and recommendations that have been developed provide tentative common guidelines and approach that the WB6 economies may consider to implement in their procedures, if they decide to adopt a regionally coherent approach to recognizing the same academic qualifications in the same manner.
The year 2020 ended with the development of the conclusions and recommendations that are currently being analysed by the members of the regional Working Group on Recognition of Academic Qualifications. The regional meeting for the presentation of the conclusions and recommendations, discussions and agreement on steps ahead, will be organized in January 2020.