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Danube Region Strategy

Danube Region Strategy

A number of meetings regarding the EU Strategy for the Danube Region, Priority Area 9 Investing in People and Skills, were organized in 2022.

The Stakeholders’ conference was held in Vienna on 9th June 2022, in a hybrid format, organized by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Labour and the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research, with co-funding from the European Regional Development Fund. The focus was on the challenges and future priorities with respect to effective education, training and labour market policies and related projects to support young people in the Danube Region in the context of the war in Ukraine, the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change. The keynote speakers, Mr Mario Steiner from the Institute for Advanced Studies Vienna, and Ms Maryna Tverdstup, Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, were focusing on the impact of pandemic on education, employent and equity, especially on young people, and various aspects of involvement of young people in the education and employments. The conference was attended by a large number of stakeholders who participated in working groups that discussed possible improvements in the position of the young people in the Danuber Region.

The Meeting of the Steering Group of the Danube Region Strategy for the Priority Area 9 was held on the following day, 10th June 2022, with the goal of exchanging updates on education, labour market and social policies in each partner participating in the Steering Group. The information on the PA9 events, projects, and publications was shared. ERI SEE was participating for the first time with the status of the member of the Steering Group.

The next Meeting of the Steering Group of the Danube Region Strategy for the Priority Area 9 was held on 23rd November 2022, in an on-line format. The meeting gathered the members of the Steering Group who used the opportunity to up-date the partners on the news, projects and events, and for the adoption of the rolling PA9 Work Programme.

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