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EQET SEE Project – Regionally Based Qualification Standards For The First Time In The Western Balkan Region

EQET SEE project – regionally based qualification standards for the first time in the Western Balkan region

Following the development of the regionally based Agricultural technician of traditional and organic cultivation occupational standard (ATTOOS) within the Enhancements in the quality of education and training in SEE – EQET SEE the VET component project partners preceded towards developing the first regionally based qualification standard (QS) for the Agricultural technician of traditional and organic cultivation (ATTOQS). 

For the first time in the region of Western Balkan, the representatives of the VET and qualification agencies from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, Republic of North Macedonia and Serbia gathered to develop a regionally based qualification standard by meeting in Montenegro in July 2022. The Methodology behind the development of regionally based qualification standards was developed within the Towards regionally based occupational standards – TO REGOS project that evaluated the feasibility of utilising the regional cooperation for the development of the qualification standards at regional level and drafted the first methodology for the development of the regionally based qualification standards.

Utilising the experience of the education experts from the VET and qualification agencies from six EQET SEE economies, the regional working group finetuned the methodology produced within the TO REGOS project and developed the first regionally based qualification standard for the Agricultural technician of traditional and organic cultivation (ATTOQS). The standard is available in English with translations to Albanian and Serbian.

* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status and is in line with UNCSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.

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