ERI SEE Call for Experts on methodology for regionally-based standards of occupations
The ERI SEE hereby announces the Call for Experts within the project “Towards regionally-based occupational standards”– TO REGOS funded by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) with funding from Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC).
The expert will be tasked to provide expertise on the methodology (steps, processes and formats) to be used in the development of regionally-based standards of occupations to the Western Balkans Alliance for Work-based learning (WBA for WBL) during one meeting of the WBA for WBL: Meeting for the fine-tuning of the Common Regional Framework for the development of regionally-based occupational standards, scheduled for 15th May 2019.
For task description, expected responsibilities and duties, as well as the eligibility and selection criteria, please check the Terms of Reference.
The Announcement is open until 25th April 2019.
Necessary Documents
Candidates should enclose to application the following documents:
- CV and
- Motivation letter
The CV and motivation letter must be written in English and submitted by e-mail only.
The Call is open to individual consultants or consulting companies.
Please send your application containing all necessary documents by email to office@erisee.org no later than 25 April 2019. Please name the application e-mail with the subject: ERI SEE Call for Experts on methodology for regionally-based standards of occupations.
Applications received after the given deadline as well as those not accompanied by the necessary documents will not be considered.