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ERI SEE Governing Board Held On 22nd October 2019, Belgrade

ERI SEE Governing Board held on 22nd October 2019, Belgrade

The 27th Governing Board of the ERI SEE took place on 22nd October 2019, in Belgrade. It gathered representatives of the ministries in charge of education from all of the countries participating in the ERI SEE: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Moldova, Montenegro, Republic of North Macedonia and Serbia, as well as from KulturKontakt Austria, the main donor. The Governing Board was joined by the Consultative Body – representatives of the European Training Foundation (ETF) and Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Science and Research. It was opened by Mr Viktor Nedović, Assistant Minister of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, which is hosting the ERI SEE Secretariat.

During the meeting, the regular work of the ERI SEE as well as plans for further activities were presented. The Governing Board members were up-dated on the activities and financial status in 2019 and presented proposals for activities and financial planning for 2020. The subject of extending cooperation with the European Training Foundation, and contacts with various donor institutions and funding schemes were raised and concrete steps were agreed.

The meeting also provided space for exchanges in recent developments in education and training systems in the region. More information to follow soon.

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