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ERI SEE Vacancy Announcement – Sector Project Coordinator

ERI SEE Vacancy Announcement – Sector Project Coordinator

ERI SEE hereby announces vacancy for the position of:

  • Sector Project Coordinator for the project Enhancing Quality of Education and Training in South Eastern Europe (EQET SEE)

For job descriptions, expected responsibilities and duties, as well as the eligibility and selection criteria, please check the Terms of Reference:

The Announcement is open from 25th August 2021 till 15th September 2021.

Necessary Documents

Candidates should enclose to application the following documents:

  • CV (Europass CV format)

*The Europass CV template in English is available at 

  • Scanned copy of higher education degree
  • Scanned passport copy
  • Motivation letter
  • Two written letters of recommendation (or contacts of 2 professional references instead)

The motivation letter, letters of recommendation and CV must be written in English.

The announcements are open to citizens of a signatory country of the 2010 Brdo MoU: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro or Serbia. The selected candidates coming from the country other than the Host country (Serbia) shall enjoy the immunities and privileges provided for in the Host Country Agreement.

Applications can be submitted by e-mail only. If you are interested in this position, please send your application containing all necessary documents by email to no later than 15th September 2021. Please name the application e-mail with the subject: ERI SEE Vacancy: Sector Project Coordinator

Applications received after the given deadline as well as those not accompanied by the necessary documents will not be considered.

Only the short-listed candidates will be invited for an interview. The interviews will be conducted with shortlisted candidates by the Employment Panel (on-line or face-to-face, depending on circumstances) in the period 17th September – 24th September 2021[1]

For general information about ERI SEE, please check ERI SEE’s website

[1] Dates are subject to change, depending on the availability of the members of the Employment Panel.

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