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The ETF Report On Coping With COVID-19 In Education And Training In The EU Neighbourhood

The ETF report on coping with COVID-19 in education and training in the EU neighbourhood

The ETF has published a report focusing on how 27 countries neighbouring the EU are coping with COVID-19 in the field of education and training as part of the ETF’s #learningconnects campaign. The report includes information about countries from South Eastern Europe and Turkey, the Eastern Partnership and Russia, the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean, and Central Asia on:

  • support for teachers and trainers through multiple channels;
  • access to internet and outreach measures considering equality, opportunities and digital literacy;
  • decisions regarding examinations, certification and validation;
  • school autonomy in organising digital and online learning; and
  • addressing vocational education and training beyond general education subjects.

The report is available on the ETF website (update 20 May 2020). Previous updates of the report as well as other news and publications published as part of the #learningconnects campaign are available here.

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