European Alliance For Apprenticeships (EAfA) – Regional Seminar For Candidate Countries – Budva, 26th October 2017
The European Alliance for Apprenticeships (EAfA) is a platform managed by the European Commission in close cooperation with EU social partners that brings together governments with other key stakeholders, for instance business associations, individual companies, social partners, chambers, vocational education and training (VET) providers, regions, youth representatives or think tanks. The common goal is to strengthen the quality, supply, image and mobility of apprenticeships in Europe.
The main purpose of the Seminar is to enable learning among Candidate Countries and EAfA members: Governments, individual employers and employers’ associations, chambers and VET providers. The thematic focus was laid on the latest policy developments and on trainers and teachers and work-based learning. The seminar provided an opportunity to further discuss on the professional development of teachers and trainers in work-based learning/apprenticeships. The seminar was organized by EAfA (led by DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion) in close co-operation with the ETF and included site visits.
The Seminar focused on sharing experiences of Montenegro with regard to developing effective work-based learning/apprenticeship systems; deepening the understanding of the challenges and opportunities of work-based learning/ apprenticeship systems; learning from EAfA best practices and examples; exploring partner countries’ closer alignment with the EAfA; and considering the Riga work-based learning medium-term deliverable (MTD 1) and implementation.
More information: http://www.etf.europa.eu/web.nsf/pages/EV_2017_European_Alliance_for_Apprenticeships_(EAfA)_Regional_Seminar_for_Candidate_Countries?opendocument