Extension of the deadline of the Open Tender for the External Financial Audit of the TO REGOS project
The ERI SEE hereby extends the deadline for the Open Tender for the External Financial Audit of the Project Towards Regionally-Based Occupational Standards (TO REGOS) funded by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) with funding from Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC).
For the tender conditions, the eligibility and selection criteria, please check the Terms of Reference.
The extended deadline is 1st April 2020 at 12 p.m. (noon) CET.
Candidates should enclose to application the following documents:
- Letter of Interest
- Company portfolio
- Financial offer for the services of the Audit of the Financial Annual Interim Report
The Call is open to licensed firms of auditors.
Please send your application containing all necessary documents by email to office@erisee.org. The subject of the e-mail should state: Application for financial audit – TO REGOS. The required documents must be submitted in English
Applications received after the given deadline as well as those not accompanied by the necessary documents will not be considered.
More information can be found in the Terms of Reference.