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IMG 4020 (1)
IMG 4020 (1) Meeting 25 Meeting 27 Meeting 28 Meeting 29 Scaled (1) Meeting 30 Meeting 31 Meeting 32 Meeting 02 Meeting 07 Meeting 09 Meeting 14 Meeting 16 Meeting 18 Meeting 20 Meeting 21 Meeting 24 Meeting 26 Scaled (1)

Final regional meeting for the consolidation of the hotel and restaurant technician occupational standard

The final regional meeting for the consolidation of the hotel and restaurant technician occupational standard was organised on 16th and 17th of December 2019, Belgrade, Serbia within the TO REGOS project.

The main goal of the meeting was to analyse the proposal of the hotel and restaurant technician occupational standard developed during the Preparatory Regional Meetings and to make a decision on the final output – regional occupational standard for hotel and restaurant technician. Input from the experts for environment sustainability (Ms Sonja Ristovska) and social sustainability and gender equality (Mr Niklas Nannskog) were presented during the meeting and incorporated into the final document. Aleksandra Bojadjieva of the Roma Integration 2020 Action Team of the Regional Cooperation Council presented the regional recommendations for the Roma integration into the labour market as one of the aspects of social sustainability.

In order to strengthen the connections between the TO REGOS project partners and other initiatives in the tourism sector within the region, Ms Snježana Derviškadić of the Regional Cooperation Council presented the Triple P Tourism in SEE project.

The third TO REGOS project management meeting was organised on the margins of the meeting.


Niklas Ekberg Nannskog Social Sustainability and Gender Equality – concept and the contribution to the occupational standard – Download

Aleksandra Bojadjieva Roma integration in the labour market – regional recommendations – Download

Sonja Ristovska Environmental Sustainability – concept and the contribution to the occupational standard – Download

Snježana Derviškadić Triple P Tourims in SEE Project Overview  – Download


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