First TO REGOS project management and methodology meeting
The first Towards regionally-based occupational standards” (TO REGOS) project meetings were organised in Belgrade on 15th and 16th of May 2019. They gathred 30 participants: TO REGOS project partners, relevant stakeholders, a methodology expert and the representative of the KulturKontak Austria.
The meeting for the fine-tuning of the Common regional framework for the development of regionally-based standards of occupations (15th May 2019) aimed at elaborating the processes that will be used at regional level for successful development of regionally-based standards of occupations (with support of external expert/s), defining terminology that will be used for the project purpose and defining templates for the regionally-based standards of occupations. All three main objectives have been reached during the one-day workshop. In addition, the TO REGOS project partners utilised the opportunity to have in-depth discussion on the ways in which different national procedures can be reconciliated on regional level towards defining regionally-based standards of occupations. The discussions were moderated by Maja Jukić, external expert in the field of the development of regionally-based standards of occupations and Tina Šarić the ERI SEE Director.
The meeting minutes are available here.
The First Project Management meeting was organised on the following day. The main objective of the meeting was to provide a detailed presentation of the project activities and timeline and open the floor for the discussion on the implementation steps and procedures.
The meeting minutes are available here.