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Identification Of Training Needs Of External Evaluators Across The Region

Identification of training needs of external evaluators across the region

Within the EQET SEE project and its component dealing with the external evaluation, a joint tool – training needs analysis questionnaire – was developed to help assess the training needs of a sample number of external evaluators across the region.

Through a number of meetings and exchanges, the training needs analysis questionnaire was prepared and analysed, to reach the final, regional version. It is based on the joint, regional competence standard which was produced last year, also within in the EQET SEE project.

The training needs analysis questionnaire was implemented on-line across the region and included 150 external evaluators from 6 Western Balkans economies and the Republic of Moldova. The results have been analysed and presented and are now serving as the basis for the development of the training programme. The training programme will be directed at trainers of trainers, who will be trained at regional level, and who will then pass on their knowledge to their colleagues.

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