Introductory workshop of the project Vocational Education and Youth Employment, Belgrade, 17 -18 April 2024
Introductory workshop of the project “Vocational Education and Youth Employment,” was organised in Belgrade on 17 and 18 April 2024 with the participation of the ERI SEE representative. By convening representatives from various sectors including national institutions, the private sector, donor organizations, and vocational schools, the workshop facilitated a comprehensive discussion on aligning the education system with the demands of sustainable development and green transformation.
The strategic aim of the workshop was to present the project framework to relevant stakeholders and gather feedback on their perspectives and challenges regarding the educational system’s transformation. The active participation of schools, teachers, and students is emphasized, highlighting their role as catalysts for change in their communities.
Incorporating green skills into vocational education not only enhances students’ readiness for the evolving job market but also fosters sustainable practices in various industries. Collaboration between vocational schools and businesses is key to ensuring that education meets the needs of the workforce and facilitates students’ transition into the professional realm.
Overall, projects like this hold promise for advancing both the education system and the economy of Serbia, particularly in the context of EU accession and sustainable development goals. It is implemented by the GIZ in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and the Office for Dual Education and National Qualifications Framework.
More abut the project is available here.
(source: Nemacka Saradnja, 26/04/24)