Legislative alignment with the ESG: the path towards meeting the Bologna Process key commitment on quality assurance in the Western Balkans, 8-9 March 2023
A Legislative alignment with the ESG: the path towards meeting the Bologna Process key commitment on quality assurance in the Western Balkans meeting was organised in Brussels, Belgium on 8 and 9 March 2023. It gathered ministry and QA agency representatives with responsibility for higher education in the Western Balkans.
The meeting aimed at supporting regional quality assurance systems toward increased compliance with the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the EHEA which is one of the main Bologna Process dimensions. “Quality assurance is a key feature in developing mutual trust and in increasing mobility and fair recognition of qualifications and study periods throughout Europe. As stated in the Paris Communiqué by the Ministers of Higher Education in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) in 2018, quality assurance is and remains one of the pillars of the EHEA. Having a quality assurance system in compliance with the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the EHEA (the ESG2 ), with regular external quality assurance performed by EQAR-registered agencies, is therefore a key commitment of the Bologna Process.”
Ms Tina Šarić, the ERI SEE director, took part in the meeting and presented the current state of implementation of the key commitment on external QA across in the Western Balkans.
More about the meeting is available on the ENQA website.
(Source: ENQA, March 2023)