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Ms Tina Šarić Meets Mr Lulzim Aliu, Deputy Minister Of Education And Science Of North Macedonia

Ms Tina Šarić meets Mr Lulzim Aliu, Deputy Minister of Education and Science of North Macedonia

Ms Tina Šarić, ERI SEE Director, met with Mr Lulzim Aliu, Deputy Minister of Education and Science of North Macedonia during her visit to Skopje on 26 January 2023.

This meeting served to discuss the future actions of the ERI SEE Secretariat of national relevance for the Ministry of Education and Science of North Macedonia. During the meeting, positive outcomes of the regional cooperation within the framework of ERI SEE were shared and their significance for national developments was confirmed.

The meeting was also attended by Mr Spetim Latifi, Special Adviser to the Minister of Education, Mr Ahmed Qazimi, Head of the Department for Higher Education, Mr Jordancho Poposki, Advisor in the Department for Higher Education in the Ministry of Education and Science and Ms Milica Grahovac, Sector Project Coordinator in ERI SEE.

Earlier during the day Ms Šarić also met with Mr Zekirija Hasipi, Director of the Bureau for Development of Education (BDE), Mr Sherif Miftari, Director of the VET Centre and Mr Ardian Musliu, Director of the State Education Inspectorate (SEI), for the purpose of planning the future activities within the project Enhancements  in the Quality of Education and Training in South Eastern Europe (EQET SEE) and exploring the possible synergies with other national or international projects in North Macedonia.

These meetings were preceded with consultations on the status and next activities of the EQET SEE project and its Quality Assurance (QA) component, organised by Ms Ardijana Ishahi Palloshi, EQET SEE national coordination point for North Macedonia, in Vocational Education and Training Centre in Skopje. Representatives of the Bureau for Development of Education and State Education Inspectorate also participated in this operational meeting.

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