Public presentation: Feasibility Study for Developing Regionally Based Qualifications Standards, 20 April 2021
The Feasibility Study on Developing Regionally Based Standards of Qualifications and accompanying methodology was presented during the regional meeting on 20 April 2021. The meeting gathered the representatives of VET and qualification agencies, relevant ministries, occupation and qualification standards experts and other relevant stakeholders. It was organised within the Towards regionally based occupational standards – TO REGOS project by the Education Reform Initiative of South Eastern Europe – ERI SEE Secretariat.
The main goal of the meeting was to present the Feasibility Study and to present and discuss the Methodology for the Development of Regionally Based Qualification Standards. The meeting was opened and moderated by Ms Tina Šarić, the ERI SEE Secretariat director. The participants were greeted by Mr Gojko Banović, SEE VET Net Chair, Ms Nataša Janevska of the WB CIF and Ms Monika Mott of the OeAD. Following the presentation of the Feasibility Study and Methodology, the participants reflected on conclusions and further steps from national perspectives.
The Feasibility Study that explored the possibility of developing regionally based qualification standards and provided the comparative analysis of institutional and legislative framework in six TO REGOS participating economies together with the Methodology that presents a steps to be taken on regional level towards developing regionally based qualification standards will be available on the WBA4WBL platform.