Quality Assurance in Higher Education – trends and developments in EU and Western Balkans POSTPONED
The international conference, Quality Assurance in Higher Education – trends and developments in EU and Western Balkans, hosted by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of North Macedonia, and organized in cooperation with the Education Reform Initiative of South Eastern Europe (ERI SEE) will be organised on 27th of March 2020 in Skopje.
The conference will gather experts working in the field of higher education as well as delegations from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo*, Montenegro, the Republic of North Macedonia and Serbia, representatives of ministries in charge for education, quality assurance agencies and ENIC-NARIC centers.
As a part of our dedication to quality, the conference will address a number of related issues, such as national standards for quality assurance used in the Western Balkans and their reference to the European Standards and Guidelines, areas of improvements needed (stage of development, students’ participation, openness to cross-border quality assurance procedures and other relevant issues), recognition principles and their alignment to automatic recognition, internationalisation, social dimension and increasing the participation of students with disadvantaged background. A panel discussion on exploring quality assurance in the context of future developments in the EHEA will gather European and regional experts on quality assurance.
Additional information regarding the conference can be provided by:
1. Ms Ivana Popovska of the Ministry of Education and Science at ivana.batinik@mon.gov.mk or
2. Ms Ivana Živadinović of the Education Reform Initiative of South Eastern Europe/ERI SEE Secretariat at ivana.zivadinovic@erisee.org