Sixth TO REGOS regional consolidation meeting within construction sector
The first regional meeting of the second subgroup working within the TO REGOS project on the consolidation of the painter and dry construction worker occupational standards has been organised on 29th October 2020. The meeting was organised by the Education Reform Initiative of South Eastern Europe – ERI SEE Secretariat and moderated by Ms Ejvis Gishti of the National Agency for VET and Qualifications, Albania.
Six Western Balkan economies joined together to continue collaboration on developing regionally-based painter and dry construction worker occupational standards occupational standards. The regionally based occupational standards aim at enhancing the employability and labour mobility of young people in Western Balkan economies. During the first five meetings the first working group members finalised the first three groups of tasks for two occupational standards.
The next meeting is scheduled for 04th November 2020.
More about the TO REGOS project is available on the WBA4WBL platform.